Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Constitution Now - What We Believe In

This is your Country!
Absolutely a Must see Video!!!
Arrested for reading the constitution
9 min - Sep 23, 2007

Where is the Mainstream Media? Why isn't Fox News Reporting this to you? Well they certainly are not anything like the Reporters of the past, who Valued the People of this Republic, and the Constitution... They are nothing like the Reporters of the past who lived in search of the Truth in order to inform the People... Who shined light on the Truth in order to protect the People from Unconstitutional Acts imposed by Government.

It makes me angry as an American Citizen to know that I cannot speak the words of the Constitution in a Public place... And it makes Me feel Sympathy for all the Soldiers who are fighting this Un-winnable War under a false belief system... Our own soldiers believe that they are fighting for their Country, Their Constitution and the freedom of their own Families...Yet these Soldiers' Family Members can be arrested for speaking the very words their loved ones BELIEVE they ARE fighting for.

Is the Constitution now reserved solely for the Military? Does it apply only to the Military? Does the Constitution apply to any of us anymore?

If we don't live by the Constitution... Then we are none of us Free. If our soldiers believe that they are fighting for Freedom, Then surely they must believe that they are fighting FOR OUR CONSTITUTION! And if this is so? Then why is it a detainable offense to speak the words of the U.S. Constitution within the boundaries of our own United States? When did this become a statute, where the hell is it written, and which Moron should we assume put it there? They don't have to PASS LAW any more, they just GIVE you the LAW. How many of you believe there even exists a U.S. Government any more? Well, since Congress cannot stop this war, and they cannot stop the President from getting more Funding for the War, then what the hell exactly, is Congress' Job?! What do we need them for? The simple fact is, My Fellow Americans... The Federal Government overpowered the Congress, and the U.S. Government Decades ago. Mark my words, it was shortly after 1913.

If our Soldiers and our Kin are Fighting and Dying... They should be fighting and Dying for a Cause that will make their Children Proud.

So what are our Soldiers Fighting for anyway? Certainly NOT for the Constitution when one can be arrested for speaking verbatim all the words of our Founding forefathers! Certainly then, Not for freedom either! Or any Liberty we have Under God and the Constitution.

Our Soldiers are fighting this War for the Federal Reserve Private Bank Under the illusion of THE CONSTITUTION, and under the illusion of FREEDOM! Our own Congress cannot even stop this War! What does that tell you all? Your very existence is nothing more than collateral that Congress uses to BORROW MONEY from the FEDERAL RESERVE... At least that's the way it started... But hell... Now the Federal Reserve outright owns You, and your Labor, and the Labor of your Children and your Grandchildren. If they have a Social Security Number... They are owned for life! And don't believe for one second that when you Die, your Kids will get it all like they're supposed to.

I've never felt so angry as an American... and Never felt so sick to be one.

People like Ron Paul are rare... In Congress, all but extinct. Ron Paul has stood up and told the Unbiased Truth to the American People about Foreign Policy, The Federal Reserve, Social Security, The War, The Biased Media, The Military Industrial Complex, and the Faults of this President as well as the very Congress Ron Paul Himself represents. What a feat. I can only imagine how hard it has been for Ron Paul to do what he has done. How hard it must be to stand right in the face of the Federal Reserve's Top Man, and speak the truth right out for the Americans to hear. How hard is it for a 10 term congressman to admit that the Federal Reserve operates illegally, or that the IRS collects income Taxes from American Citizens fraudulently, and under voluntary self assessment. How hard was it for Ron to air out the President's, Congress's and the Federal Reserve's Dirty Laundry for all Americans to see, hear and know? I doubt that there will ever be another Chance hear such Profound Truth about our Leaders. I doubt that a Voice as true as Ron Paul's will ever grace the halls of Congress again, if people do not Hear his words now. and it's a damned shame.

Thank you all for your time in viewing this video, and reading My feedback on it... Most Importantly... Thank you all for being TRUE AMERICANS...

with the exception of FOX NEWS and It's Affiliates of coarse. It is all of you whom I thank most for allowing this Republic, and all that it stands for and was founded upon, to decay into a slave Nation. After you are all gone... Know that what you have helped to create will claim your Children just as swiftly as the rest of the Souls you helped sell out.

- TrueLogic

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